The Gundam Infinity collection from Bandai takes the most iconic Mobile Suits from the Gundam Universe and delivers a 4.5 Inch, highly detailed figure with over 14 points of articulation and battle ready accessories. The Artemis, RX-78-2, XXXG-01W Wing, MBF-PO2 Astray, and Barbatos Gundam battle frames are the first wave in this exciting new collection. Each figure in the collection has interchangeable Arms/Legs/Torso/Head that can be mixed and matched across all the figures for endless customization that Gundam fans expect. Additionally, each figure comes with ‘Build a Figure’ accessories to construct the classic and iconic MS-06F Zaku Mobile Suit- not available in stores.
- Includes 1 Gundam Infinity Action Figure
- The Gundam Infinity collection from Bandai takes the most iconic Mobile Suits from the Gundam Universe and delivers a 4.5 Inch, highly detailed figure with over 14 points of articulation and battle re
- The Artemis, RX-78-2, XXXG-01W Wing, MBF-PO2 Astray, and Barbatos Gundam battle frames are the first wave in this exciting new collection
- Each figure in the collection has interchangeable Arms/Legs/Torso/Head that can be mixed and matched across all the figures for endless customization that Gundam fans expect.
- Style: 40600