Inspired by Walt Disney Animation Studios, Wish, the Asha of Rosas Adventure Pack can re-create scenes from this memorable animated musical film! Asha, Valentino, and Star feature different accessories, such as Asha’s book, bag and soft-goods shawl! Valentino can also sit and stick his tongue out! With Asha’s storytelling details, like her signature removable outfit and soft braided hair, the Adventure Pack allows for fun imagination as you play out different Wish storylines! Doll cannot stand alone.
- Get ready for many magical adventures with the Asha of Rosas Adventure Pack!
- Featuring her signature removable dress, shoes, anklet, and shawl, Asha fashion doll has her long-braided hair for endless styling fun!
- Imagine fun storytelling with Asha, Star and Valentino and their playful piece count!
- Touch Valentino’s head to see his tongue stick out!
- Wishes can come true with the Adventure Pack, which makes the perfect toy for kids to play out their favorite Disney’s Wish scenes!
- Fans can collect their favorite Wish characters to create their own Disney’s Wish adventures. Each sold separately