From the popular anime series Digimon Adventure, your favorite Digimon characters are now available as poseable figures in the Bandai SHODO series. MetalGarurumon is the ultimate evolution of the Garurumon-species. This powerful Digimon is detailed just like the animation – its body is protected by blue armor, and it is equipped with multiple weapons. For the ultimate Digimon fan!
- Digimon Shodo 3.5'' Metal Garurumon Action Figure
- Perfectly detailed to look just like the character from the anime
- MetalGarurumon is covered in a blue armor, and it is equipped with multiple weapons attached to its body
- Highly detailed, well-articulated. Stands approx. 3.5in. For the ultimate Digimon fan
- Ages 8+
- Style: 86972